Tuesday, January 19, 2010

This is Me...

Hello, my name is Jane. Jane Austen. I live in Yorkshire, England. I'm 18 years old and live on my own. I feel I have grown so much from being on my own. I've learned a lot about my self and things I am capable of. See, I love to write. Writing is my passion. So much inspiration has come to me from the experiences I have shared with myself. My writing has never been better. I have been able to reach way down into my soul and really get to know my inner self.

With the distractions of my younger siblings at home, I was unable to focus and the only things that had shown through my writing was frustration and chaos. I didn't like that side of myself, so I had to get away for a bit. Don't get me wrong, I love my family but it was time to find myself.

Love hasn't quite yet found me but through my writing I find love. I find passion and I express it through my words. Words that I can't say out loud, I find easier to say in the words on the paper. I love telling my story and the stories of my imagination.

1 comment:

  1. Jane, it's a pleasure. I love your work. I just watched Pride and Prejudice again the other night. (The one with Keira Knightly.) I watched a feature about your life and your work. It was awesome. Nice to meet you. Welcome to the blogging world.
