Friday, May 14, 2010

Film Analysis (Taken)

Ordinary World: Bryan's life as a Retired Government Agent

Call to Adventure: When his daughter, Kim is taken

Refusal of the Call: He has no choice to refuse the call to get his only daughter back

Meeting with the Mentor: He talks with his firend who is involved in interpratating information and has alot of knowledge about where his daughter could be

Crossing the Threshold: Leaving to go to Paris, France to find Kim

Tests, Allies, Enemies: Those who took his daughter (Marko), The Policeman/ Organizer of the Prostitution ( Jean-Claude), St. Clair, and anyone who got in his way of finding Kim

Approach: Bryan found alot of people who knew/knows about where his daughter could be, although alot of them were no help, they did bring him closer to his reward, which was finding his daughter

Ordeal: He finds his daughter, but she is being auctioned off to other men, so his forces one man in particular to buy her for $500,000. He thinks he is on his way to reuniting again, but he captured by his enemies and is told to be killed

Reward: Finding his Daughter

The Road Back: He goes to meet the man they have sold his daughter to

Resurrection: He gets away by killing all five men who were about to kill him

Return with the Elixiar: They are back home, and Bryan takes Kim to meet a friend he met earlier in the movie.

Hero: Bryan

Mentor: Friend, Man who interprets french to english, previous knowledge

Threshold Guardian: Jean-Claude, Marko, Peter, anyone who got in his way, Ex-wife

Herald: Jean-Claude, alot of dangerous people who didn't care to kill, luckily Bryan wasn't either

Shapeshifter: Kim's friend in paris, Peter

Shadow: Anyone involved in the Prostitution Scam in Paris

Trickster: Kim;s firend, Peter, Marko, Peter


  1. This movie was intense.

    I think it's funny how the call to adventure was literally a call...from his daughter.

  2. I haven't seen this movie yet, but now I want to! I like how you added the Archtypes part because it gives me a little information about the movie and the different roles the characters play. Very good job.
